Weddings and Honeymoons

A great alternative to the traditional wedding list and the perfect way for friends and family to contribute towards your holiday of a lifetime.

The Honeymoon List Service works like any other list service, the difference is that instead of buying you specific gifts, your friends and family contribute money towards the cost of your honeymoon. 

You will be quoted for the price of the honeymoon and required to pay a deposit. If you choose to take advantage of our Honeymoon service, we will provide you with ‘List Service cards’ to send out with your wedding invitations (if you wish) advising guests of your choice of wedding list and giving details of how they can contribute money towards your honeymoon.

Payments are accepted by way of debit or credit cards, and guests will be asked to leave a ‘greeting’ for you to accompany their contribution. When a contribution is received a personalised letter and receipt will be sent to your guest.

Contributions will be accepted from the date that you advise us you wish to open your list and we will send you fortnightly email updates on contributions and messages once the first contribution has been made. Twelve weeks before you travel we ask you to pay the balance of the honeymoon (less any contributions that have already been received). We will accept contributions from your guests up to two weeks after the date of your wedding. The excess collected will be reimbursed to you once the final account has been closed, If you would like further information, please call 07921971704


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